What’s New for PawnSnap!

Version 2.4.29

October 21, 2024

CAPSS (California police reporting) no longer forces required data

Police txt export file (800 character fixed width)

Fixed crash when printing pawn notices

Misc fixes and minor improvements


Version 2.4.28

September 24, 2024

MLA background check website fix

Integration with https://www.4473cloud.com/

Serial number verification double entry feature for firearms

Misc fixes and minor improvements


Version 2.4.26

June 26, 2024

New report: Items by bin location

New report: Firearms acquisition/disposition

New report: Employee sales commission

Texas: Better receipt description for pawn payments

Updates to 2.5x1 pawn/buy label

Kitco gold spot fixed

Sms replies show on quick launch buttons


Version 2.4.25

April 3, 2024

Fixed Start Tab buttons

Updated Shopify version info

E-signature capture option for sales, layaway pickups & repair pickups


Version 2.4.24

March 12, 2024

Pawn/Buy forfeit screen can now search by item descriptions

Texas renewals, fixed order of printing tickets

Texas payments screen now can add pawn & customer notes, customer details pop-out

Added Back Office menu shortcut button for entering police confiscations

New Report - Active Layaways by Customer


January 23, 2024

New ATF 4473 form. Mandatory for use by February 1, 2014

Calendar and appointment screen, keep track of employee schedules.

Option to show "Maturity" date as the "Payment" due date (Oregon & Washington).

Fixed gold spot calculator, new site NGCCoin.com

SMS history screen. Answer customers' SMS text replies within PawnSnap.

Pawn SMS history report. List of pawns that have been sent a reminder SMS text

Fixed auto-fill birthdate on MLA check website link.

Other fixes and minor improvements.


Version 2.4.19 - 2.4.20

October 26, 2023

Improvements to pawn payments screen, added Due Dates button
and Customer details pop-out with photos

Show more pawn/buy items' details on various screens

Show total pawn payments made on various screens

Ability to implement custom labels for pawn/buy items, jewelry & inventory

Auto RAM cleaner tool

Added metal weight, item type and jewelry size to 2.25 x 0.5 jewelry barbell tag

Print pawn/buy labels, new button that allows print one or all items

Fixed photos bug for Finder Pawn police reporting


Version 2.4.18

September 18, 2023

3" Repair ticket for new repairs

Inventory search filter for sold Ebay items (last 30 days)

Oregon special setup for max interest APR

Other fixes and minor improvements


Version 2.4.17

August 24, 2023

Ability to undo (erase) a cash drawer close-out

Easy add to cart multiple Ffl transfers for one customer

Added Metal Weight to Inventory List screen column chooser

Manager override for user's pawn/buy limit amounts

New Report, Ffl Transfers List

Total count added to bottom of Ffl Transfer List screen


Version 2.4.16

August 7, 2023

Added 'T' indicator on sales receipts when taxable item

Show todays spot value on the Forfeit Items to inventory screen

Cash drawer close screen now defaults to show all transactions since last close (instead of today's only)

Item templates on the FFL Transfer In screen

Oregon annual state report


Version 2.4.15

June 2, 2023

Ability to create unique inventory numbers. Useful for multi-store operations.


Version 2.4.14

May 10, 2023

CAPSS Update (California police reporting)


Version 2.4.13

March 28, 2023

New Atf 4473, required by April 1, 2023

Printing Atf 4473 no longer prints data in section B

Scheduled listings for gunbroker.com

Integration with ElectronicTransfer.Com (credit card processing)


Version 2.4.12

January 30, 2023

Ability to send SMS texts by upcoming birthday

Ability to change the rate schedule to existing pawns

New Report, ATF Firearm Count. Useful for FFL renewals

Updated Florida FES background check API, new for under 21 long exceptions

Added bin location to 2.25 x1.25 pawn label

California CAPSS update for new specs for customer privacy

SMS text for pawn reminders, option to set as required before pulling

Individual customers can Opt-out of receiving pawn reminder mailers


Version 2.4.11

November 16, 2022

Send SMS for repairs notifications

Customers can be assigned a default pawn rate

Printed gun book pages, smaller fonts for importer/manufacturer section allowing more characters

E4473 (beta) feature, ability to run in training mode

Send customer texts for all customers who have a transaction in last X number of days

Improved performance on items audit screen

Improved performance for Pawns, Buys lists reports

Pawns, Buys list report, date range remembers the last dates for the reports

Hot key shortcuts added to various screens

eBay updated to their API code changes

Option to not bring over bin location for prior re-pawned items


Version 2.4.10

September 16, 2022

Assign locations screen now handles inventory and layaway items

ATF required 'privately made firearm' (PMF) designation on firearms

Transfer OUT inventory screen - Added ability to manually enter the quantity

Added ability to add user-specified search links to price quote screen

New column added to price quote screen, retail price

Ability to turn OFF sending pictures for police reporting (LEADS etc.)

E4473 feature (Beta) disable edit of 4473 after customer completion

Larger and bolder item # on 2.25" x .75" pawn labels

Cart # added to Sales Report


Version 2.4.9

July 13, 2022

Ability to add custom 'Other' remittance tender types

Enhancements to E4473 feature

Ability to edit shipping class on an existing WooCommerce product

Show employee on Sales screen

New report, Non-Inventory Sales

Enhancements to bulk items selection screen

Option to not show 8300 forms for 'Cash Customer'

Search by sub-type on sales screen

Save column chooser layout on Price Quote screen

For California, require either mailed notices or SMS notices before allow forfeiting pawns


Version 2.4.8

June 9, 2022

ATF Report of Firearms Transactions (ATF Form 5300.5) email or save to hard drive

Pop up screen to show pawn amount due on a future specific date

Automatically add shipping amount to sale for WooCommerce orders

System setting to print/hide '.00' on price tags


Version 2.4.7

May 12, 2022

Adding a new customer does not default to Pawn/Buy mode for required data

Added tax exempt column to the Sales Report>


Version 2.4.6

May 3, 2022

Non-inventory tracking items (service items)

Fixes for Ebay & WooCommerce integrations

Fixed height for NY ID barcode scanning


Version 2.4.5

April 12, 2022

WooCommerce - Ability to specify shipping by category 

Assign bin locations improvement, select bin from a search box

Ability to add item templates using an existing pawn/buy item

Memos total shows on the totals section of inventory list report

Improvements to send SMS from customer details screen

Inventory tags hides pennies for the price. If $599.00, prints $599

3-part Texas pawn ticket, legal size laser

New label stock, size 1.75" x 0.75"

Improvements to eBay.  Custom label - SKU

Pawn payment prompt screen for override charges, now radio buttons for clarity

Ability to extend pawn default date when partial payment made by days paid


Version 2.4.4

March 15, 2022

Shopify update to utilize 'custom' apps

Indiana pawn setup

Text (SMS) chat window on customer screen

Support for coin grading services with barcode scanning (PCGS, NGC)

Coin label 1.75" x 0.75"

New ATF 3310.4 PDF


Version 2.4.3

December 10, 2021

Memo sales feature, track items out on consignment for example

Show employee who created inventory & transfers

Print inventory list report from inventory list screen based of search filters

Active inventory list report grouped by categories option

Warning message if scan id on a different customer when updating data


Version 2.4.2

November 11, 2021

Sales invoices, ability to sell now, collect payment later

Ability to add a logo to the full page receipts, tickets

Multi store inventory re-order report

List any item type to Gunbroker.com, not just guns

Easier to use cash drawer money transfer screen

FFL transfers added to customer stats indicators

Buy/Sell only version, no pawns


Version 2.4.1

October 13, 2021

Integration with Shopify Ecommerce

Sales discounts. Click a button to apply a pre setup discount

Exclude categories for police reporting

Show sales items cost as a code on the sales screen

New report, Pawn/Buy Category Breakdown

New report, Sales Category Breakdown

Save webcam resolution setting


Version 2.3.14

June 28, 2021

Optional pop-up for pawn redemptions to show additional charges paid (Texas & Oklahoma)

Inventory re-order report can be filtered by vendor

Consignments will ask for thumbprint or electronic signature if required for law enforcement


Version 2.3.13

May 17, 2021

Ability to setup cash drawers per pc station, instead of by employee

Age limits for sales items. Setup by categories

Pawn reminder letters can exclude a letter if a prior text has been sent

CAPSS (California Police Reporting) added ID country lookup

Added 6 custom text fields and 3 custom lookup fields for items, ability to show them by category


Version 2.3.11

April 25, 2021

California police reporting (CAPSS)

Export customer list to csv for marketing purposes

Copy FDLE queue # to clipboard (Florida firearm background checks)

Setting to auto download ATF A&D book to local hard drive documents folder

Firearm renewal fee (Oregon)

Fixes to eBay integration

Customer record shows the data customer added


Version 2.3.9

March 2, 2021

Ability to print hold labels for firearms waiting for pickup/nics check

Ability to print pay-out checks with transaction #'s for pawns and buys

Viewing a customer record, new reports: Active Pawns, Item History, Cart History

Beta mode for touch screen features (tablet mode)

Brand and gun importer field increase to 50 characters


Version 2.3.8

February 11, 2021

Option in settings to allow/disallow selling items to a negative on hand count

UPC #'s now prints on labels and receipts

Other fixes and minor improvements


Version 2.3.7

January 26, 2021

Post items to your Facebook store page as they are being pulled

eBay posting templates

New Report, Large Cash Transactions, useful for AML reporting

Consignment payouts, the default is now cash

New pawn fee, redeem fee that only gets charged at redemption

Gun book edit screen does not allow manually enter a dispose on open gun entries

Fix for Arizona drivers license scanning, expiration date

Layaways report has option to print internal notes


Version 2.3.6

December 7, 2020

Ability to add a QR code for your website, or link to your Google reviews to print on cart receipt

Woo Commerce order history tab

Woo Commerce orders, added customer's shipping info and order # to sale notes

Added 'Restock Inventory' to Quick Launch tool bar

Ability to choose best offer for Ebay postings

Added "Misc Fees" column to the Completed FFL Transfers report


Version 2.3.5

November 16, 2020

Ability to do trades, calculates sales tax on net amount coming in

Blue Dog credit card processing help file

Ability to send FFL transfers to cart from FFL transfers list

Ability to schedule an auction for eBay item listings

Quick Launch (to do list style) tool bar from the start screen

Minor improvements to Woo Commerce interface, photo selection, reserve quantity

Woo Commerce Orders screen now auto populates a sale and sends to cart


Version 2.3.4

October 17, 2020

Ability to send inventory items out for repairs/maintenance.  Handles electronic gunbook

Exclude NICS background fee on pawn redeems

WooCommerce improvements, html description, list of orders, categories by level 2

High resolution images feature

Pawn-Pay.com improvement to allow prorated charges & daily auto sync of tickets

Credit card processing, cash discount program, allow override to give cash discount


Version 2.3.2

September 15, 2020

New ATF 4473 form (5300.9 May 2020) with the continuation page when more than 3 guns

Duplex printing for ATF 4473 (prints both sides of page)

Updated ATF 3310 multiple gun reports.  Added continuation page when more than 6 guns

Undo last payment button for layaways

Fix for eBay initial sign-in process

Support for GoDex printers for barbell jewelry tags

Integration with WooCommerce websites. Host your own or allow us to host your eCommerce site.

Ability to group inventory list by columns to show counts and total cost

Show custom fields on column selector for inventory list searches

Other fixes and minor improvements


Version 2.3.1 Major Release

August 5, 2020

Integrated credit card processing with Blue Dog Business Services, LLC

Cash discount program with Blue Dog.  You can save big on card processing by shifting those costs to customers

Pawn rates setup can now override default settings for payment cycle and contract length

Customer list and search screen shows more detail and customer pictures when selected

Scan UPC barcodes on items audit screen.

Items audit now has right click option to hand enter the quantity

Ability to scan driver's licenses and Id's to update the customer's record

Void a cash pay out/in transaction

Added button under Customer Service section for Consignments

Ability to document a reason when editing a customer's credit balance

Save an ATF 3310 multiple gun sale report as a PDF to local hard drive

FFL Transfers have 'Misc Fees' box for collection of extra government fees

FFL Transfers ask to add the background check fee to the checkout

Previous pawn items screen allows to select all.  Items get removed from the list once added to a transaction

Ability to read barcode labels from other software vendors.  Call for details

Find a customers last 4 social security number

Voiding gun layaways & sales handles gunbook entries by asking what happened to the gun(s)

Gun sales bypass 4473 when customer has an FFL


Version 2.2.14

June 9, 2020

Ability to add custom reports

Ability to reprint pawn tickets when redeem payment

Add three customer text user fields for a total of 6

Fixed scanning of Georgia state Id's


Version 2.2.13

May 11, 2020

Ability to print Quickbooks style full page voucher checks for pawns, buys and other pay-outs

Updates to BWI police export, title fields


Version 2.2.12

April 20, 2020

Integration to Florida Firearm Eligibility System (FES) website for initial submission of background checks

Enhancement to repairs feature, send out to vender for third party repairs, add cost to repairs, add pictures

PawnFinder police export file format

Option to not send customer personal info for police exports

Added ability to print tickets and labels from find pawns and find buys screens

Firearms hold period when needed, can choose different date for handguns, long guns and other on individual checkouts

Fixed Utah driver's license barcode scanning on some licenses

Fixed Oregon driver's license scanner, middle name issue

Items audit feature, now can scan all gun book guns

Items audit feature, option to scan original pawn item # (when doing new tickets for renewals)


Version 2.2.11

February 24, 2020

Ability pay/redeem a pawn from another customer (holder of the ticket)

Enhancements to eBay item posting, required item specifics

Texas pawn ticket, added item labels

Sales tax settings allow for 3 decimals

Customer's Id Expiration date limit is now 2099

Other fixes and minor improvements


Version 2.2.10

January 27, 2020

Larger bolder price on 1x3 Dymo inventory labels

Ability to email cart sales receipts

Pawns, Buys & Active Buys reports now can be filtered by category

Improved A&D gunbook export to excel file format with options for only open entries

Items audit for FFL Transfers now includes option to count ATF holds

Ability to modify pawns & buys default date backwards to allow pulling


Version 2.2.9

January 9, 2020

Ability to setup automatic late fee calculations for pawns

Daily pawn charges setting to only pro-rate late payments

Ability to post items to eBay Motors categories

Post Ebay items to eBay.ca (Canada)

ATF 3310.12 eForm reporting for multiple semi-auto rifle sales

Ability to send ATF 3310 reports via email attachments

Sales Tax Report shows extra info for exempt sales

Other fixes and minor improvements


Version 2.2.8

December 19, 2019

Metals calculator for silver

Customer find screen shows customer stats icons

Ability to add, edit list of states/provinces

Multi store capabilities from single cloud database

Ability to send one-off texts from forfeit items and layaways screens

Utah 2020 police reporting, includes fingerprints and item photos

Ebay posting, high resolution photos from hard drive & multi-select photos

Repairs, added repair description to labels

Added middle name and birthdate to pawn/buy list searches

Other fixes and minor improvements


Version 2.2.7

November 18, 2019

Ability to track inventory items on police hold or confiscation

Enhancements to pawn/buy items search screen, send items to a new ticket

Utah state police reporting file

New report, Cash Payments In/Out

Spreadsheet and word processor tools

Layaway payments screen UI improvements

Added item description box to repair screen

Update for pawn-pay.com integration

Other fixes and minor improvements


Version 2.2.6

November 6, 2019

New major feature, Check Cashing transactions

New back office feature 'Assign Locations' to Pawn/Buy Items

Upon checkout, if text messaging feature is on, a popup will ask for customer's cell phone

View full sized item photos from find pawn/buy items screen

Improvements to Shop Analysis & Income Summary Spreadsheets, export to excel and column choices

Firearm dispositions, automatically calculates hold days based off settings

Ability to add/edit pawn/buy notes from various find screens & forfeit items screen, look for push pin icon

Ability to add/edit customer notes from various find screens,  look for push pin icon

Ability to print pawn lost ticket statement and charge lost ticket fee from pawn payments screen

Items Audit feature, added layaway & gun transfer items

Update for Alabama pawn ticket printing

User history added for pickup a held gun from A&D gunbook screen

Added bin location to Active Pawns Report

Sign in screen for training mode does not ask for a password

Forfeit items, when pulling to inventory, button to launch internet pricing search

Updated themes


Version 2.2.5

October 1, 2019

Ability to add a reinstatement (cleaning) fee to pawns when undo forfeit

Ability to print jewelry tags for any item category

Enhancement for police confiscations, especially regarding firearms

Automatically re-list gunbroker.com auction items


Version 2.2.4

September 24, 2019

New major feature, Repairs - manage repairs of firearms, jewelry and more

Ability to collect sales tax on FFL Transfer fees

New report, Completed FFL Transfers

Minimum dollar pawn redeem prorate for Minnesota

Improvements to 'hamburger menu' advanced menu

Deleting inventory - option for write-off or return to vendor

Colorado pawn tickets


Version 2.2.1

August 14, 2019

Transfer Inventory feature, transfer items in or out to other shops

Military Lending Act website updates, save the sign-in credentials in PawnSnap

Forfeit Items Wizard, added back button to edit/review items

Help tab added 

Redesign of several screens including new pawns & buys screens

Cash Payments screen prints a receipt for employee signature

Cash Payments screen has the same list of accounting choices for both cash in & cash out

Enhancements to Forfeit Items screen, filter by categories

Inventory List screen, new search columns added to column chooser, Ebay #, Gunbroker # & OfferUp Id

Forfeit Items screen, new search columns added to column chooser, Orig #, Prev #, Alternate #, Orig Amount, Phone, Mailer Sent, Text Sent

Customer List Report, ability to filter by tax exempt customers

Metals Calculator can be setup to show values with currency exchange rates

Option to extend or not extend the next layaway payment due

New screen to show status of the shop's cloud backups

Layaway payments support on pawn-pay.com

Support for GoDex G500 label printer


Version 2.1.8

June 3, 2019

Autosuggest boxes for: Customer City, Employer, Item Model, Gun Size/Length, Jewelry Size/Length

Drivers license scanning fixes for Illinois & North Carolina

Cash drawer closing, new summary report


Version 2.1.7

May 23, 2019

Ability to apply a discount percentage for pawn payments

New Report, disposed guns for a date range

Vender product code prints on the Inventory Re-Order Report

Business profile for customers

Custom (user defined) fields for customers

New customer lookup, 'Referred by'


Version 2.1.6

May 13, 2019

Ability to make hourly data backups securely to the cloud, please call to subscribe

Integration with OfferUp, post inventory items to the OfferUp App

Real time police reporting, transactions are sent as they occur

Enhancements for Florida pawns, refund prepaid service charges & misc fixes to ticket printing

Increased font size on 2.25x1.25 inventory tags

Ability to  collect & track sales use for FFL Transfer transactions

Print 3" layaway receipts for payments

SMS reply with 'STOP' will now automatically mark the customer as 'do not send' texts

Vendor product code field added to column chooser for Find Inventory

New Report, Inventory History for all items by date range

New Report, Account Balances - print pawn, buy, inventory & layaway balances for date range


Version 2.1.5

March 29, 2019

Fixed scanning some Washington Id's

New feature, popup screen to show location of redeemed pawn items

Maintenance release, other fixes and minor improvements


Version 2.1.4

March 19, 2019

Online pawn payments integration with pawn-pay.com

Texas pawns. PawnSnap is now available for Texas.

Texas Features: Memorandum of Extension, state required loan disposition reports and more

Ability to setup SMS text reminders to auto-send daily

Ability to choose remittance type for cash pay out/in

Option to un-assign users from cash drawers when closing drawers

Larger fonts on the 2.25x1.25 pawn label

Added totals to find pawns and find buys screens

New report: Users' history

New report: Voided Pawns & Payments

Print customer labels from find customers screen

Added pawn default date to find pawns screen

Improvements to recording police confiscations

Option to setup a timer to auto-logoff due to inactivity

Fixed scanning PA drivers licenses

Lockout user sign in after failed attempts

Pawn item templates, allows faster data entry of common items


Version 2.1.1

QuickBooks integration - allows posting general ledger debits and credits to QuickBooks Online

Improvements for better Patriot Act (SDN - Specially Designated Nationals List) compliance

FinCEN 8300 reporting for excess cash receipts over $10,000

Show bin location for pawn items from various screens including pawn payments and forfeit items

New buttons for 'Undo Redeem' and 'Undo Last Payment' on find pawns screen

New report - Overdue Layaways

New advanced menu option for main page

New option for smaller icons (slim toolbar)

New feature - quick category search for new pawns & buys

New feature - ability to adjust items' amounts on existing pawns & buys


Version 2.0.4

Ability to set store hours, pawning hours in system options

Required minimum days to hold new loans setting

Improvements to items audit feature, added bin location

Performance improvements to: find sales, find carts, find pawn/buy items, find pawns

Item history tab on customer view screen

Added new insert fields for pawn notices

Point of sale display pole shows items and totals to customers

Added inventory 'In Date' to column choices for find inventory

Iowa pawn ticket

Informational message when screen resolution below recommendation

Other fixes and minor improvements


Version 2.0.2

Three flavors of PawnSnap! - Basic, Professional, Ultimate 

Credit card integration, take card payments through a terminal linked to PawnSnap! 

Consignment tracking - add items, pay consignors, new reports, etc 

Convert a pawn to a buy and vice versa 

Pawn fees - monthly firearm fee  

New Pawns/Buys - validation check for expired identification 

Pawn payments - do not allow a pawn redeem in the first X number of days 

Printer settings - ability to choose paper source/tray 

Cash drawer close screen - cash count by denominations 

Items Audit screen - added confirmation sounds 

Ability to choose bin location and resale price as required fields 

Added signature lines to time clock report 

Inventory list report by 'buckets' only 

Cost of Goods Sold Report - filter by category and it prints tendered type 

New report - Inventory List by Vendor 

New report - Vendor Sales 

MLA record request - automatically checks 'I accept' 

Moved 'Reset View' button to top right 



Version 1.2.42

 Added Buys to Items Audit Feature

 Minor updates to GunBroker.com integration

 New Report - Inventory history


 Version 1.2.41

 Ebay enhancements, view item details, relist items, notifications when making sales and more

 Pawns - change pawn term on individual pawns

 Pawns - ability to add additional fees - storage, police, gun, etc (for locales that allow them)

 Pawns - set maximum loan amount in settings

 Pawns/Buys - setup a minimum age for pledgor/seller

 Pawn renewals, ability to give a new ticket number

 Arizona pawn settings

 Texas pawn settings

 Ability to require strong passwords for logins

 Pawn List Report - added voids totals


 Version 1.2.39

 ATF Multiple Gun Sale reporting (ATF 3310.4)

 Ability to choose # of layaway labels to print (or none)

 South Carolina pawn ticket


 Version 1.2.38

 Ability to add shipping/handling fees to sales & layaways

 Enhancements to customer & vendor documents - add from files or scanner

 Transfer firearms to/from other FFL dealers

 Enhancements to user roles.  Added edit gunbook, MLA check, undo layaway payments


 Version 1.2.37

 Split items in Pull Wizard (Forfeit Items)

 New Report - Precious Metals Summary

 Report - Cash Drawer Assignments

 New Report - Inventory Re-order (Order items from vendors)

 Undo pull for Buys

 Send text message to one customer from customer view/edit screen



 Version 1.2.36

 Forfeit date now shows on history and when viewing a pawn

 New report - Buy Report (list of buys made for a date range)

 New report- Forfeited Items (list of pulled items for a date range)

 Ability to take partial pawn service charges payments in the first period

 Cosmetic fixes to pulling wizard screen


Version 1.2.35

Firearms note field will no longer print on customer documents & labels

New layaways have duration selection button on toolbar (30, 60, 90, 120, 150, 180 days)

Voided pawns' items will show on previous items list for new pawns

Full page spanish language cart receipt


Version 1.2.34

New Report - Customer List

New Report - Customer Credits

New Report = Store Credit History

Added ability to print the list of pawn reminder letters mailed

Added ability to customize cash amount buttons

Added Spanish receipts 



Version 1.2.33

Added ability to give customer credit on voids/returns 

Added ability to choose a remittance type on voids/returns

Added ability to edit a cart checkout receipt remittance types

Added Spanish receipts 



Version 1.2.32

Added receipt for extension payment due dates 

Added general label 2.25 x .75

Sales screen now shows cost of item

Added ability to format  phone numbers for international use

Added ability to re-pawn firearms from previous items

Added ability to select previous pawn items to a new buy transaction

Added ability to merge customer records

Added option to print forfeit date on pawn labels



Version 1.2.31

Pawn screen and forfeit items screens show date reminder letter sent

Send reports via e-mail

Added general label 2.25 x .75

Added PayPal remit type

New Report - Income Analysis 

New Report - Items on Police hold or confiscation

Cash drawer report now shows who entered the transaction

Added Kentucky Pawn Ticket 

Fix for international currencies and date formats



Version 1.2.30

New Report - Overdue Pawns Report

Improvements to linking customers during scanning PDF Id barcodes

Added Georgia pawn ticket


Version 1.2.28

Added option to require a reminder letter to be sent before item can be pulled

Added pawn payments report filter by redemptions or extensions

Added new report, Pawn Report, shows all pawns for a date range

Pawn payment history shows date range paid (extensions)

Added ability to extend pawn default date for X number of days from today

Cash drawer balancing now shows all remit types even if zero dollars


Version 1.2.26

Print pawn late notice reminders

Re-print voided, redeemed or forfeited pawns



Version 1.2.25

Two part pawn & buy ticket printing


Version 1.2.23

Text messages for layaways

Print fingerprint on pawn and buy ticket

Take a pawn payment for specified number of days

Stone shape chart

Diamond color chart

Diamond clarity chart

End eBay auction when making a sale

Add notes to individual sale items

Price quote research tool, search store history, eBay.com, Amazon.com, Gunbroker.com

Search customer history

Option to run on premise or hosted on Amazon's AWS Cloud



Version 1.2.22

Create eBay auctions directly from inventory

Analysis report enhancements

Print purchase date or release date on buy labels

Enter Canadian provinces and postal codes



Version 1.2.21

Hotfix for MLA (Military Lending Act) v4.4 website changes

Undo the pickup payment on a layaway

Print payment history on a completed layaway

New report - Voided/Returned Sales



Version 1.2.20

Scrap or Combine Inventory items to a bucket

4473 printing now happens when sending to cart

ATF A&D log-out a gun after hold

Print forfeit list report from the forfeit items screen



Version 1.2.19

Void a sale

Other fixes and minor improvements



Version 1.2.17

Add a note to a sale or layaway

Set quantity for bulk items when pulling

Filter inventory by bin location or bulk status

Other fixes and minor improvements



Version 1.2.16

Fixes and minor improvements



Version 1.2.15

Gold Quote screen. Allows quick add & pricing of gold items to pawns & buys

Better error handling of driver's license 2D scanning

Inventory & pawn items physical audit using barcode gun

Can back date layaways for easy data entry for new stores

Option to require Military Lending Act (MLA )check before making a finishing a pawn transaction

Other fixes and minor improvements



Version 1.2.14

Reprint pawn payment receipt

Reprint pawn redemption receipt

Ohio precious metals reporting



Version 1.2.13

Florida pawn ticket prints the word 'Minimum' for the APR when $5 min is applicable

Military Lending Act (MLA) check can now be called from new pawn screen

Increase pawn amount for active pawns

New report: Cash Activity

Auto logout after completing transactions

New button for Quick Sale (cash customer)  Now two sales buttons, one to select a customer and one to do cash customer

Buys hold period can be defined by Jewelry, Guns or Other item categories

Buys can be pulled straight to inventory during transaction completion if no hold period applies

Pawn contract period can be defined by Jewelry, Guns or Other item categories

New jewelry rat-tail label. (3.5" wide)

Option to print 8.5 x 11 full page layaway receipts



Version 1.2.12

Re-designed receipts layouts

Added phone #, customer notes and pawn notes to forfeit items screen

Ability to view/edit a pawn from forfeit items screen



Version 1.2.11

Ability to view/edit a pawn from the forfeit items screen

Layaway payment statement

Batch printing of inventory labels

Jewelry Size/Length is now free form data entry

Added customer's phone number to checkout receipt

Printed police report



Version 1.2.10

Employee time clock and timecard report

Police Hold / Confiscations

Support for document scanning

Cash summary for cash drawer report



Version 1.2.9

Cash In/Out screen, now can choose account type for Cash-In

Fixed webcam when two cameras are installed

Printing pawn/buy labels, now can enter a quantity to print

Fixed scanning a Florida State ID

Cosmetic changes to left navigation bar



Version 1.2.8

Freeform Stone Weight

Restore Data to Training Mode



Version 1.2.7

Inventory search can filter by active items.

Ability to edit release date on Buys



Version 1.2.6

Quicker splash screen when launching

Option to ask to print a check-out receipt

Close all tabs button on tools bar

New columns and save layout on inventory search screen

Column chooser on inventory search screen

Check-out screen resizes correctly

Enhancements to previous pawn items screen including a column chooser



Version 1.2.5

Add a customer as a source for a firearm

Pawn payment receipts implemented

Quick checkout for Pawns & Buys

Ability to set a special promotional pickup charge

Customer Alerts

Clone Inventory

Delete Inventory

Start Tab

Crop images

Pawn Item List

Add a previous pawned item from any customer

Previous pawned Items now include photos

New Theme

Biometric Login

Text Messaging

Self Updating

Signature Pad

New Display Themes

2” x 2” Label Printing

Full Page Layaway Receipt

Full Page Checkout Receipt

Shop Analysis Tool

Print E-4473

Gunbook Enhancements

Lost Ticket Fee

Gun Processing Fee

Smart Barcode Scanner